Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A staged moment on OPRAH

I admit it! I can't stand OPRAH. Not only does she interrupt her guests, but everything seems so staged. As you may know, Nicole and Hugh just appeared on OPRAH to talk about the new epic film Australia. Nicole was happy to talk about other things as well to increase public interest in her. Parts of the show have been available on the Internet over the last week. The best part is when Oprah asks Nic about the baby, and if she has any photos of the baby to show. Nicole says "in my purse" to which Oprah replies "someone get her purse now".

It's hard not to imagine that this was a carefully planned moment, and not spontaneous. For months now, Nic has been hiding her baby's face and showing the back of her as teaser shots. On OPRAH, out comes the professional photo of Sundae and herself. The viewer is expected to think that poor Nicole was set up. I'm actually surprised Nic didn't take the baby on the show with her.


cricket said...

I see she had to have her huge ugly head in the picture. No family picture just her big ole melon and the side of the baby.

maclen said...

Yes, what just occured to me, choice, as i read your post about how it looked very staged, is that kidman of course had to try and upstage tom cruise's big appearance on oprah...remember when he jumped on oprah's couch proclaiming his love for holmes? Also from those photos of kdiman on the show, kidman of course is looking very very thin... abnormally thin...again...

Anonymous said...

There's a press release out now claiming the whole thing was a "mistake". Some crap about how she didn't know the cameras were rolling. That mean old Oprah took advantage of poor little Nikkers - Tom must have put her up to it ;)

Anonymous said...

Nicole mentioned on OPRAH that she didn't read the script before signing on for "AUSTRALIA" because it was Baz (see below link). This aint the first time Nicole has done that, and the films have flopped. Nicole apparently can't read:


Anonymous said...

It was no mistake. She has been in front of way too many cameras to know when one is rolling. She is a fool for thinking that most of us are simple. Her every move is calculated. It is a science to her. Just like her marriage. It was all planned - too bad Keith didn't see the script beforehand. Nothing matters but her - her lonliness, her engagement, her marriage, her work, her baby. Plain and simple. She knew exactly what she was doing. Just another one of those FU Cruise moments that's all.
