Sunday, January 11, 2009

Why tall women prefer short men, and vice versa

A friend was asking me the other day why I thought Nicole married a short guy again. And then of course Tom married a tall woman again.  In the show business world, it is all about true love remember. But let's dissect it further ...

Nicole really stuck out when she stood next to Tom, and the same with Keith too. Nicole likes to be in the spotlight, and it's a power thing as  well.  But what about for short men? Why do they like standing next to a tall woman. To look straight at their breasts? Of course not,  but that's probably part of it. The simple reason is that they like the woman to pat them on the head easily when they have done a good job of mowing the grass. 

By the way, now you know that Katie Holmes is much taller than Nicole Kidman.


Anonymous said...

That picture w/ Cruise standing on a box looks photoshopped to me -- Cruise is short, but I don't think he's that short....

Check out --

Here Katie's wearing really high heels. I also doubt that Katie's much taller than Nicole -- I've never seen Nicole in person, but I've seen Katie and she's around my height (5'8")

Anonymous said...

Gee Anonymous 6.57AM, you don't say. Did it occur to you that Choice may be taking the mickey out of Tom and Katie?. Of course it is a joke photo with Tom standing on the books. How gullible and thick are you? Do you think Tom Cruise would agree to a photo like that. There's one born every minute, you dill.

Anonymous said...

Screw this goddam blog! Why can't you just leave Nicole and Katie alone. They are very talented actors, unlike you! What's wrong with you people!

Anonymous said...

"Screw this goddam blog! Why can't you just leave Nicole and Katie alone. They are very talented actors, unlike you! What's wrong with you people!"

If you didn't like this blog, why ae you here in first place? Masoquism or what? And Katie Holmes is talented? YES, she's talented like a pot of yogurt. The only TALENTED actor who came out from "Dawson Creek" is MICHELLE WILLIAMS

Anyway, it's interesting Kate Winslet won the BFCA and Golden Globe for her role in "the Reader". Nicole Kidman dropped up for her pregnancy and now, Kate is near to the Oscars. First Cate Blanchett won for "the Aviatro" and now Kate Winslet

Anonymous said...

Good point Anon 7:05. If people hate this Blog why visit? They can't help themselves. This is a great Blog, not my absolute favourite, but up there in the Top 5.
Why don't all the Nicole worshippers just go bury their heads? That's what Nicole is doing at the moment.