Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nicole's comeback film

Have you seen Mickey Rourke's new movie The Wrestler? It's a good film, despite having to look at the dreadful plastic surgery disaster which Mickey has become over the years. Might be a good warning to others.

Anyway, Mickey has long blonde hair in the movie (see left photo above). With the hair and his plastic surgery, there were times I thought I was looking at Nicole. Can you see how this occurred based on the shot of Nicole above?


Anonymous said...

I think it is too late for Nicole. Her face is already looking scary! Is it possible she is related to Micky O'Rourke LOL?

maclen said...

I thought the exact same thing, choice, when I saw kidman's photo ops of her taking her baby for a check was in the way her sunglasses she wore on her head were pulling her stringy hair away from her face i guess.

cricket said...

Wow I wasn't aware that Nicole had an identical twin who was also an actor. Mickey has beyyer hair though,it looks softer.

Anonymous said...

Dang! Another missed opportunity for being nominated for another Oscar that she so desparetely craves. If only Nicole had done The Wrestler and Micky, Australia! And it was a Darren Aronofsky movie but Nicole picked the wrong Director! I heard that Nicole is thinking about suing Nintendo Brain Training, she's so angry (not that you'd be able to tell because her face doesn't move!).