Clockwise: Nicole wore a blue jumpsuit to Antonia's marriage celebrations; Craig, Antonia and some of her kids on the way to the celebrations; Nicole arrives back in the US and Keith does the usual photo kiss
Antonia, a former Sydney-sider, moved to Singapore not long ago with her four children to live with Craig who is based there. All sounds kind of odd, doesn't it. How her ex-husband Angus, ever agreed to that is beyond us. Apparently she was keen to leave Australia because of continued media interest in her and her children. Considering Antonia has a relatively low career in Australia, that makes no sense. Or is it because of the continued speculation about her being a surrogate for big sister? Who knows, but who the hell would want to live in hot, sweaty Singapore over lovely Sydney? Who's going to look after Mum and Dad Kidman when they get older now? Even worse, the poor children can't see their father very easily now, can they. Talk about being selfish. Another rumour flying around is that Antonia is pregnant with her fifth child (or sixth, depending on your point of view). Interesting how one sister is so fertile, while the other is as baron as Sharon.
Just a minute. I think you are wrong. Nicole turned 80, Not 43!!! Get your facts straight.
I get the feeling Kidman's sister doesn't like Keith. Well I think they all look down on him.
It seems the kidman daughters...daughters of the "psychologist"...both seem to have rather sorted historys of relationships and broken marriages! Seems that the lalaland mentality has influenced them far more the father!
You said it. On another discussion thread with photos of her family out on patio in oz, one of which had capturing NK grawling at her (clueless) daughter, you could see by KU body language and where he stood (stood on the sideline, looking in, shadowed out and lurking about) with the rest of her family that he was neither included in the discussion nor obviously treated equal by them. He looked like a busboy.... If you're a star of any degree who tolerates that kind of treatment? He's really not all there people....
It doesn't appear that any of the Kidman's like Keith. Those balcony pictures from Christmas, neither of NK's parents even looked at him or spoke to him. They never do.
A week in OZ and still no pictures of Nicole & Antonia together. Or Antonia and Sunday together.
The fans seem to prefer NK's hair red. But in my opinion it makes her look very ordinairy. Her looks are pretty much gone now too.
Choice, you must have a higher dress standard in OZ. NK seems to make more of an effort there than the terrible way she always looks in Nashville. And no, I did not like the blue outfit she wore at the party. It was not flattering at all. She actually looked heavy in some of the pictures, thats how bad it was.
You've all raised some interesting points on Keith's place in the Kidman family. We did some earlier posts on the lack of photos with Nic and his parents.
I'd say Janelle and Antony Kidman are snobs based on the times I've seen them spoken to on TV. They are possibly less than impressed that Nic has chosen a musician with a drug history over someone more respectable. Plus, they possibly don't like where his family live in Queensland.
Mikki - Australia generally has a relaxed style of dressing. However Sydney is a little different. She does go to more effort in this city, except for that hideous jumpsuit. Just because Stella McCartney designed it, she thinks she is going to look good in it.
Maclen - good points about Papa Kidman. He also must feel disappointed that both daughters have failed marriages. And having a daughter who is mutton dressed as lamb would be hard to take too.
Yes Choice, Keith is quite a step down from Tom Cruise, who Janelle is said to have adored. But maybe the fact that this was said to be a contract marriage right from the beginning has something to do with it. Why invest in something that isn't real or permanent? And that might also explain why NK has little to do with his parents as well.
You don't see NK's mom with Sunday often either. And there has never been a photo with Keith's parents holding Sunday. Only one photo op of them with her at all. Very strange.
Thanks for the insight Choice. I've always noticed that NK dresses better in OZ and thought it might be expected there.
Not sure if you think about it, a professor & retired nurse wife could be so hoity-toity...they are galore in any nation. Furthermore, as a salaried teacher, they don't get quite the $ of their equivalents in the real working world, just enough to not lose them to the real world from the perspective of the university who hire them, is my understanding.... Also thought a professor had more intelligence than what I read here about her dad...guess there could be exceptions. Which comes around to his mentally messed up elder daughter who chooses to remain physically and mentally herself of 20 years ago.....
One more observation Choice. Nicole and Keith lead a very isolated lifestyle. They are never photographed with friends. Only co-workers or staff. They have no social life, everything is work related.
And back to family, there are no pictures of Sunday with either Bella or Connor. Just one more photo missing from the family album.
Mikki - quite odd how there are no photos of Sunday with Connor or Bella. Tom is very strict with them on scientology and Nicole is no longer part of that. Perhaps Nicole doesn't want her other kids trying to influence Sunday. Just a thought.
As for the Urbans having very few friends, it is probably because they can't generate stimulating conversation AND are too self focussed. In all honesty, who would want to be close friends with Gran when she is only interested in fame and money. She craps on about how important Keith and Sunday are, but we've all seen how little her words mean. She said she was retiring, but yet can't keep her hand out of movies. Clearly the woman is happy to do bad films rather than stay at home and keep some form on integrity.
Choice, or perhaps its as many people believe, NK doesn't see her kids anymore. There has not been a picture of her with either Bella or Connor since May 07'. Surely with all the paparazzi in LA one would capture a photo of NK with them in some setting somewhere if she actually sees them.
NK keeps a very tight circle around her and Keith so no rumors can get out about them. She wants them seen as the "perfect couple". They only allow employees, who sign confidentiality agreements, around them to protect the image she wants.
Mikki, what do you know about the marriage contract between Kidman and Urban? Is it true he signed something?
Choice, of course any contract would not be made public. But there were plenty of rumors coming out of Nashville as well as bloggers claiming their sources knew it to be true. The media reported that Keith was stalling while NK was racing to the alter. Not exactly a man in love. More like someone possibly bound by a legal document.
In the world of celebrities, there is almost always truth in rumors. You must have missed the "courtship" and the first four months of the marriage. Keith was very different from the man who surfaced after rehab. There were rumors about the reasons for that too.
Whatchasay - your point about Nicole acting 20 years younger than what she is, is interesting. This could possibly stem from a limited education. Dropping out of school at 16, being given several liberties by her parents (apparently) and not being held accountable for any of her actions would somehow give her this immature way of thinking. I have read she didn't get along with her mother until she was about 18 and wouldn't be surprised if that was because she wouldn't do as she was told. Nicole's father has alot to answer for really.
Mikki - did follow the Kurban wedding in 2006 to a point. The fanfare in Sydney where the 'secret' wedding was being held was over the top. All I remember hearing at that time was that when they first met, it took Keith a good 6 months to call her up for a date. And she kind of pushed him to do that. Love at first sight NOT! What you may find surprising is that Nicole will make out that Australia adores her. Not at all. You would be hard pressed here to find anyone who rates her as their favourite actress. And that is not because she can't act. It's because of all the paparazzi bullshit she puts on here and her terribly skinny lily white body too. We all know she used to be a freckly redhead, but the skin bleaching fixed that.
Actually Choice, I have read many, many blogs from OZ and its clear from the comments that NK is not a favorite there. Her claim to fame was being the first Aussie to win the oscar. And for that she was shoved down your throats by the media which just happened to be owned by Murdoch. There does seem to be a change since 08' when Australia came out and NK declared Nashville as her home. Not much interest in her in OZ since then. Probably a relief to you!
Mikki - The sympathy Oscar you mean? The one that should have gone to Julianne Moore.
What really turned alot of Aussies off was when The Interpreter came out in 2005. People started saying "uh oh, she can't act". Not to mention the wig she was wearing. It all just started to look like a facade.
I think we are all in agreement that without Tom Cruise offering her a hand, there would be no more mention of Nicole Kidman after 1990.
Miki: I have a question for you.
Were you once a fan of Nicole Kidman? I was, many years ago, but now can't stand the latex faced witch. I wonder what the turning point was for you?
Days of Chunder was a bad film early on in the piece. Even then she was over-rated.
Why are some people asking whether you were a fan of hers before? (Just recognized the pattern from previous threads...) Me thinks it points to her drastic and sudden change from the reserved, mannered demure youngish woman to vamped, botoxed mannequin, crazy and pathetic hag so desperate to recapture youth she had become (tho now something in her appearance had stabilized, not so old and scary like this past decade (looked easily upwards of age 50 and above), but up to her, doing something surgical/chemical likely at costs to her health though -- depriving/injecting body so much for so long at her age can lead to things, her body is not what it used to be) almost feels like her revamped (scary old) image was shoveled down our throats...then again, what had become a global consensus her total lack of or severely limited talent, effectively that she never had it, was really & voted & pubished as most over-rated, currently box office poison, these are whole new chapters on their own...let us not even get to her personal life which includes fake pregnancy...totally messed up on several levels...really, how do you respect or become a fan of a celebrity like this???
Sasha, not a fan, never have been.
Yes Choice, other than the hard core fans (of which there aren't really that many)the general opinion is that she would be nothing without Cruise.
And by the way, didn't want to forget about Keith's brother and his family who are also missing from Sunday's life.
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